Thursday, September 10, 2009
To catch up completely
Sand dune trip with brother and his fam
Pole Bridge Camping
Pics of July 4th
Manti Pagenant Trip with 1st Ward Youth
Hot Rod'n in the Barbie Mustang
Catching up!!!!
June- came and went with wet weather so we couldn't get out much to do any camping..
July- Sold our home left with bitter sweet feelings, sad we left our ward, and our friends, glad we don't have a mortgage payment in this ecomomy that is struggling..
FOUND OUT THAT I'M PREGNANT with # 3 feeling great besides some smells of food or just the thought of eating certain foods.. Due March 1st We find out next month what the sex of the baby is.. VERY EXCITED... A little nervous with what number 3 will bring since you only have 2 hands.... AAAHHH...
Took a couple camping trips in the month of July one down to Fairview Utah to celebrate the 24th of July with Chase whole family.. Had a great time.. Will post a few pics.. Upon arriving we we took a camping trip with my family to pole bridge up by mesa falls.. Fun stuff..
August- Flew by, took a trip to Bozeman MT to go school clothes shopping with my sisters and mom.. spent the night up there and had a over all great time, in the mean time chase took the girls to palisades with my dad and older brother and his family camping in a TENT.. They had a muddy fun. You will see when I post some pics.. My bro from missourri came with his family and we had a great time with them. The girls had a great time with their all their cousins.
September- Just begun and look it is already almost the middle of the month. Just supporting my sisters at their v-ball games.. Got a new calling in our ward in ashton I'm a nursery leader. We have fun and other than just gold fish I'm going to bring on the treats.. :) Chase is the Gospel Principal teacher and they have had many good comments since he has been the teacher.. He's great at that kind of stuff.. When things have settled down some, Addi has shown interest in going potty so as of today I have taken charge to see if it will take hold so far so good she wakes up dry so that is one of the signs right, she is the same age I did Davaney so hopefully we will be diaper free for at least 5 more months..
I say this every time but hopefully I will be better at posting on my blog