
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can you BELIEVE this?

I called all my friends together to have a Bachelor grand finale party. It was a blast we just had to take pictures so we could blog this historic occasion:) We were making fun of Melissa always rapping her legs around Jason so we thought we would do a cheerleader kick for you all in honor of Melissa..

First he picks Melissa on the Finale of the Bachelor. We all knew it was going to be her because of the video off of youtube with the whole pinky ring, but we were definitley shocked first we thought that maybe Ty died or Melissa had Cancer we didn't think he would do the whole break up on national television. In my mind I grew to like Molly I always thought Melissa was immature and not quite ready to be a mother. Who knows what Jason was thinking at the time. Melissa had a right to be upset. It's hard because on National Television she could of just played it up pretty good and totally changed when there was no spotlight.

So now Molly is giving him a chance to work things out. Who really knows if this will even work out? Will be curious to find out down the road if they are still together. It makes me wonder what Tonight show will consist of.